Documents - Nature and biodiversity

14 documents on Nature and biodiversity

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  1. Finance in Support of Nature

    There is a high dependency of the financial sector on healthy ecosystems; therefore, significant investments in nature are ...

    Report | 02-04-2024

  2. Exploration of the role of (data on) ecosystem services valuation in landscape development: a first comparison between projects in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Ireland

    The Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) asks every country to develop a NBSAP and a NBFP. GBF Target 19 is important for ...

    Report | 31-03-2024

  3. Assessing biodiversity effects of public financial incentives: a methodology for the Dutch government

    In an effort to curb further biodiversity loss, the Netherlands, together with other OECD countries, has committed to achieving ...

    Report | 29-02-2024

  4. The cost of degradation of the Dutch North Sea environment - Update 2024

    This report provides an insight into the cost of degradation of the marine environment of the Dutch part of the North Sea by ...

    Report | 31-01-2024

  5. Findings and advice following exploratory investigation by TPAC

    Report in which TPAC (the Timber Procurement Assessment Committee) describes its findings and advice to the Ministry of ...

    Report | 06-10-2023

  6. A Review of experience and recommendations for National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans and National Biodiversity Finance Plans

    A Review of experience and recommendations for National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans and National Biodiversity ...

    Report | 17-07-2023

  7. The Climate-Biodiversity Nexus - Quantified in four investment cases

    This short paper is focuses on quantifying the relationship between climate change and biodiversity loss in investments of four ...

    Publication | 13-06-2022

  8. Advice on strengthening NL polar research and exploration of possibilities for a NL Polar Centre

    The aim of this study is to advise on how to strengthen Netherlands polar research and to explore the possibilities for a polar ...

    Report | 20-04-2022

  9. Biodiversity impact and ecosystem service dependencies

    Ecosystem services are vital for all kinds of economic activities from medicine to energy sector and biodiversity underpins all ...

    Report | 02-11-2021

  10. Biodiversity Footprint for Financial Institutions: Exploring Biodiversity Assessment in 4 cases

    Economy has a direct impact on nature: Economic activities require use of land and water and in most cases they cause degradation ...

    Report | 29-07-2021

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