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  1. Speech by minister Schreinemacher at the faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation in Enschede

    Speech by Liesje Schreinemacher, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, at the official opening of the ...

    Speech | 25-10-2023

  2. Conflict Israel and the Palestinian Territories: blog closed, new liveblog opened

    Updates from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the situation in Israel and the Palestinian Territories appeared in this blog ...

    Blog post | 25-10-2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  3. Need for a circular economy

    The Dutch government is working with industry to ensure that by 2050 the Dutch economy will run entirely on reusable materials.

  4. Government takes next step towards bringing Einstein Telescope to the Netherlands

    Lasers, mirror technology and vibration-free cooling equipment are just three of the innovative technologies that will be needed ...

    News item | 24-10-2023 | 11:00

  5. Ambassadors of Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy 2023

    We are proud to introduce the ambassadors of the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference 2023. All come from civil society. ...

  6. Joint Communiqué of the Third Meeting of the South Africa – The Netherlands Joint Commission for Cooperation

    Joint communiqué of the third meeting of the South Africa - The Netherlands Joint Commission for Cooperation, 18 October 2023.

    Diplomatic statement | 18-10-2023

  7. Slavery Memorial Year 1 July 2023 to 1 July 2024

    Historic involvement in slavery is a very painful, significant, and - until recently - underexposed part of our shared history.

  8. Causes and effects of population decline in the Netherlands

    When people move away from villages, jobs, schools, shops and other facilities also disappear. The Dutch government needs to ...

  9. The work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ call team: emotionally challenging but very rewarding

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working hard to reach all stranded Dutch nationals who have registered with the Ministry of ...

    Blog post | 13-10-2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  10. Purchasing products and services

    The central government has purchased products and services worth € 5.2 billion in 2022. This includes everything from stationary ...