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  1. COVID-19 and flying to the Netherlands: health declaration form (English and Dutch)

    Passengers flying to and from the Netherlands aged 12 or above must a Health Declaration Form. 

    Publication | 20-07-2021

  2. Applying for an exemption from compulsory healthcare insurance

    Does religion or beliefs prevent you from taking out healthcare insurance? Apply for exemption from the insurance obligation.

  3. COVID-19 Recovery Declaration

    Travellers from non-EU countries can travel to the Netherlands if they have proof of recovery. This proof must have been issued ...

    Publication | 11-03-2022

  4. Vaccine Declaration COVID-19

    If you meet the conditions for full vaccination and travel to the Netherlands, you will need to show this vaccine declaration ...

    Publication | 08-02-2022

  5. For operators and airlines: information about flying to and from the Netherlands

    Documents for passengers flying to and from the Netherlands.

    Publication | 14-07-2022

  6. Information about the health screening form for coronavirus vaccinations (translations)

    Before you go to the vaccination centre, you must fill in a health screening form (in Dutch: gezondheidsverklaring). On the form ...

    Publication | 03-05-2021

  7. Joint statement reaffirming the importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)

    Together with 81 other countries, the Kingdom of the Netherlands co-sponsored a joint statement reaffirming the critical ...

    Diplomatic statement | 01-10-2020

  8. Working together internationally to tackle dementia

    There are 47.5 million people in the world living with dementia, and their numbers are steadily increasing. This makes a joint ...

    News item | 17-05-2017 | 10:30

  9. Speech of Sir Mark Lowcock at the MHPSS conference

    Remarks at the International Conference on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Crisis Situations by Under-Secretary-General ...

    Speech | 16-10-2019

  10. Mind the Mind Now Conference Special

    On 7 and 8 October 2019, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Sigrid Kaag hosted the first International ...

    Publication | 18-10-2019