Applying for an International Certificate for Pleasure Craft (ICP)

Do you want to operate your pleasure craft in the inland waters of the European Union? Your motor, yacht or jet-ski for example? Then you will usually need an International Certificate for Pleasure Craft (ICP) to do so.  This certificate proves that you are the owner of the vessel.

Last updated on 5 November 2021

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Only ICC proves you can operate a pleasure craft

An ICP does not prove that you can operate the pleasure craft abroad. To prove this, you need an International Certificate of Competence (ICC). When qualifying for a Small Licence or Pleasure Boat Licence you automatically attain an ICC. 

ICP requirements

You can apply for the ICP if:

  • you are a Dutch citizen;
  • you are not a Dutch citizen, but you have lived in the Netherlands for more than 5 years. 

Countries where the ICP is valid

The website of the Watersportverbond (Water Sport Association) indicates in which countries the ICP is valid (in Dutch).

If you are going to navigate in a country where the ICP is not valid, you will need to apply for a zeebrief (Certificate of Registry). This is a type of passport for your vessel which is proof of citizenship. With a zeebrief you can fly the Dutch flag on your pleasure craft. This is not permitted with an ICP.

The ICP and Brexit

Brexit does not affect an ICP as they remain valid in the UK. From 1 January 2021 different customs rules apply between the EU and the UK. The website of the Watersportverbond details the changes in customs regulations when sailing between the EU and the UK (in Dutch).

ICP applications 

You can apply for an ICP at the Watersportverbond (in Dutch). Or you can apply for an ICP at the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Motorboot Club (KNMC) (Royal Dutch Motorboat Club) (in Dutch).

Other EU countries have their own agents for issuing the ICP licence.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Convenant ter bevordering van de afgifte van het Internationaal Certificaat voor Pleziervaartuigen

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