Obtaining a Small Licence for a fast motorboat or a pleasure craft
If you want to sail a fast motorboat, or a pleasure craft between 15 metres and 25 metres long, you need a Small Licence (Klein vaarbewijs, KVB). You need to take an exam to obtain this licence.
Last updated on 19 May 2021
Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands
When do you need a Small Licence?
A Small Licence is required for:
- a fast motorboat. The boat must be under 20 metres long and able to reach speeds over 20 km/hour. This also includes jet skis and water scooters.
- pleasure boats between 15 metres and 25 metres long.
Small Licence exam
You can sit the exam for the Small Licence (in Dutch) with the CBR.
Laws and regulations (in Dutch)
Binnenvaartwet, artikelen 25, 26 en 27
Binnenvaartbesluit, artikelen 13 en 16