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  1. Amsterdam Conference Declaration

    A coalition of countries and organisations have committed to address the need of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) ...

  2. MHPSS conference programme for Monday, 7 October

    Please check back regularly for updates.

  3. Shiraka: supporting societal development in the MENA region

    With the Shiraka programme, the Netherlands supports the development of the public and private sector in the Arab region.

  4. Women, Peace and Security Grant

    Dutch civil society organizations can apply for a grant to support their work on women, peace and security.

  5. Countries and regions

    In the field of foreign trade and development cooperation the Netherlands has a special relationship with certain countries. ...

  6. Youth at Heart

    Video | 14-05-2020

  7. Annexe 1 List of Priority Countries

    Annexe 1 List of Priority Countries

    Publication | 23-03-2020

  8. ’A large part of the population needs mental health and psychosocial support’

    The war in Yemen is having a big impact on people’s mental health. ‘According to a recent study, some 22% need help,’ says ...

    Blog post | 14-04-2021 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  9. REAIM 2023 Endorsing Countries and Territories

    The listed countries underline the need to put the responsible use of AI higher on the political agenda and to further promote ...

    Publication | 21-02-2023

  10. Dutch policy on the situation in Israel and the Palestinian Territories

    Information about Dutch policy with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Netherlands’ position on the situation in ...