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  1. Mariëlle Paul

    Mariëlle Paul is State Secretary for Primary and Secondary Education and Equal Opportunities.


  2. The Dutch approach to clearing landmines

    Landmines and cluster bombs are often left behind in war zones. This threatens the safety of the people who live there. More than ...

  3. Central government promotes energy savings

    Dutch central government is promoting a 1.5% increase in energy savings per year in order to cut CO2 emissions. It is making ...

  4. Organisation of government communications

    A number of different bodies are involved in making, implementing and assessing central government communications policy. These ...

  5. Government plans for raising awareness of the history of slavery

    The government is funding a number of activities aimed at increasing knowledge, raising awareness and gaining a better ...

  6. Equal rights for women and girls

    Women are still severely under-represented in politics around the world, including in the Netherlands. Reasons for this include ...

  7. Taking care of your personal business online using eIDAS across borders

    This video gives some examples about using eIDAS for sorting out administrative matters across the borders.

    Video | 05-01-2023

  8. What types of leave are there?

    As an employees, besides holidays, you may be entitled to leave, e.g. pregnancy leave, parental leave or care leave.

    Question and answer

  9. Statelessness

    A staatloos (stateless) person is someone who is not considered a citizen by any State under the operation of its law. The ...

  10. Contacting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Contact information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.