This is Pierre, 22 years old.
He lives in Belgium and would like to study abroad in the Netherlands.
In order to do so, he first has to sort out a few administrative matters.
Such as filing a request for application at the university of his choice.
He wants to do this online, with his own national login means...
in a secure and reliable way.
eIDAS makes this possible.
eIDAS is a European regulation...
which allows citizens to use their national login means...
to manage online affairs in other countries in the European Economic Area.
And it works the other way around too!
Jessica is temporarily living and working in Sweden.
The Swedish Tax Agency offers the option for logging in...
with an European approved digital identity...
which also allows her to file her tax return online.
And so managing affairs online and across borders...
using an European approved login means...
is safe and secure for Pierre, Jessica and many others.