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  1. Participating in Dutch Traffic

    As the Netherlands experiences a growing influx of (skilled) migrants, it's important to provide guidance for those navigating ...

    Report | 09-02-2024

  2. Ukraine: €50 billion in extra support from the European Union

    On 1 February 2024, EU member states reached agreement on an additional €50 billion in support for Ukraine. Find out what the ...

    News item | 06-02-2024 | 12:50

  3. What if I receive less than the hourly minimum wage?

    If you have been underpaid, your employer must pay you the wages owing to you within four weeks. Otherwise the Netherlands Labour ...

  4. Will I receive the minimum wage?

    You will receive at least the minimum wage if you work and are 21 or older. You are also still entitled to the minimum wage if ...

  5. Destinations of Dutch used textiles

    This research aims to help unravel the destinations and actual uses of used textiles exported from the Netherlands. The report ...

    Report | 02-02-2024

  6. Speech during the meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action

    Speech minister Van Weyenberg during the meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action. Spoken word is ...

    Speech | 01-02-2024

  7. Research: Ecodesign for furniture

    The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has commissioned this research on Ecodesign requirements for furniture. The ...

    Report | 31-01-2024

  8. The cost of degradation of the Dutch North Sea environment - Update 2024

    This report provides an insight into the cost of degradation of the marine environment of the Dutch part of the North Sea by ...

    Report | 31-01-2024

  9. External evaluation of the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD)

    The main purpose of the midterm evaluation was to learn. The DFCD is seen as unique and highly relevant for climate adaptation ...

    Report | 31-01-2024

  10. General Country of Origin Information Report on Ethiopia

    This General Country of Origin Information Report describes the situation in Ethiopia insofar as this affects the assessment of ...

    Directive | 31-01-2024