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  1. The Netherlands and South Sudan: development cooperation under challenging circumstances

    Pascalle Grotenhuis, Director-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, paid a visit to ...

    Blog post | 25-03-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  2. More effective joint regulation of illicit asset seizure in the EU

    An amendment to the bill to seize illicit assets without a prior criminal conviction will be introduced. This is necessary to tie ...

    News item | 22-03-2024 | 18:00

  3. NSOC partnership in tackling organised crime continued

    The National Collaboration against Subversive Crime (Nationale Samenwerking tegen Ondermijnende Criminaliteit - NSOC) will be ...

    News item | 22-03-2024 | 17:00

  4. Conflict in Israel and the Palestinian territories: updates from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Blog with updates from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the situation in Gaza and its consequences for Dutch nationals in ...

    Blog post | 22-03-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  5. Water: a source of peace and conflict

    Freshwater supplies worldwide are shrinking, while demand for water is greater than ever, resulting in a growing number of ...

    Blog post | 22-03-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  6. Mangrove Living Lab the result of ‘flourishing partnership’ between Vietnam and the Netherlands

    Vietnam and the Netherlands are working jointly to restore the mangrove forests that play a key role in preventing coastal ...

    Blog post | 21-03-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  7. Two years of war in Ukraine

    Following the Russian military occupation of Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine in 2014, the full scale Russian invasion of ...

    Blog post | 21-03-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  8. Behind the scenes at the Dutch embassy in Kyiv

    The Netherlands has approximately 150 diplomatic missions around the world, ranging from large to small. Today we take a look ...

    Blog post | 20-03-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  9. Speech by Mark Harbers, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, at the opening of the Logistics Conference, Hanoi

    Minister Harbers spoke at a logistics conference in Hanoi on March 19, during his visit to Vietnam. Harbers: ‘I’m proud of the ...

    Speech | 19-03-2024

  10. Policy directions for a resilient banking sector

    This report identifies four focal areas for the resilience of banks. 

    Report | 19-03-2024