When applying for certain jobs with special medical requirements, you will have to pass a medical examination.
As of 5 December 2022, countries within the European Union will no longer import crude oil from Russia. And as of 5 February ...
The government wants to invest extra effort in improving the care for people with disabilities, as well as their quality of life.
The government is aiming for a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
Organisational setup of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
Good, reliable institutions and actors that provide efficient services are important for a good business climate. The Netherlands ...
Under the Dutch constitution the Cabinet is composed of all government ministers. Its job is to take decisions on overall ...
The new Code of Criminal Procedure will consist of eight parts, or ‘books’. The Ministry of Security and Justice will submit a ...
Please see Government.nl for information about stopping child abuse and minimising the harm to the child
Healthcare institutions like hospitals and nursing homes are a hotbed for resistant bacteria. And they can spread easily to other ...