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  1. Sustainability Report 2023

    Sustainability Report 2023 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Report | 24-09-2024

  2. Government programme foreign policy

    The Schoof government programme elaborates on the framework coalition agreement. The programme will help the government carry out ...

    Publication | 13-09-2024

  3. Ambassadors in the Netherlands (as of 11 September 2024)

    List of ambassadors in the Netherlands as of 11 September 2024.

    Publication | 11-09-2024

  4. Water Action Agenda Magazine

    In March 2023 the Netherlands and Tajikistan hosted the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York. One of the results was the Water ...

    Publication | 23-08-2024

  5. Water Envoy Meike van Ginneken

  6. Countries and regions

    In the field of foreign trade and development cooperation the Netherlands has a special relationship with certain countries. ...

  7. Teun Struycken

    Teun Struycken is State Secretary for Legal Protection.


  8. Why is a Dutch navy ship travelling the world over?

    In March the Dutch frigate HNLMS Tromp set off on a seven-month operation to patrol the world's seas, contributing to security ...

    Blog post | 27-06-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  9. The Financial Health of the European Telecoms Operators

    This report describes a research into the financial health of 10 European ‘incumbent’ telecoms operators with the use of so ...

    Report | 24-06-2024

  10. General Country of Origin Information Report on Sudan

    This General Country of Origin Information Report describes the situation in Sudan insofar as this affects the assessment of ...

    Directive | 31-05-2024