
13 search results

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  1. Shiraka: supporting societal development in the MENA region

    With the Shiraka programme, the Netherlands supports the development of the public and private sector in the Arab region.

  2. Dancing with data at DISCO

    In a world challenged by fake news, disinformation, and Artificial Intelligence, the Netherlands partnered with Slovenian NGO ...

    Blog post | 02-11-2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  3. Working Together on Talent

    With this Agenda for Vocational education and training (VET), are originazations working to ensure that all students are able to ...

    Report | 14-02-2023

  4. Speech by Minister Ben Knapen at the EU Heads of Mission (HoMs) meeting

    Speech by Minister Ben Knapen at the EU Heads of Mission (HoMs) meeting.

    Speech | 29-10-2021

  5. Evaluating the partnership between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and One Young World

    The report evaluated the partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NL MFA) and One Young World (OYW) and how to ...

    Report | 31-01-2021

  6. Youth at heart - Young people at the heart of Dutch development cooperation

    The countries in the Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation focus regions (the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East ...

    Publication | 14-05-2020

  7. A Hopefully Peaceful Future

    The One Young World (OYW) Summit 2019 was held in London from 22-25 October, where approximately 2000 young ‘change makers’ ...

    Blog post | 15-11-2019 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  8. Final Impact Evaluation of the Seed Multiplication project to Empower Small Commercial Farmers

    TechnoServe, funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, implemented a seed multiplication pilot project to empower ...

    Report | 30-04-2019

  9. 50 Young Change Agents in The Hague

    Although one of the youngest continents in the world, unemployment rates in the Middle East and Africa are one of the highest  in ...

    Blog post | 06-11-2018 | Laila Bouallouch (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

  10. External Evaluation of the Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP II) and Netherlands Initiative for Capacity development in Higher Education (NICHE II)

    This report deals with the main findings from the external evaluation of the Netherlands Initiative for Capacity development in ...

    Report | 03-02-2017

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