
28 search results

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  1. EKN Engagement Strategy for Cabo Delgado

    The Cabo Delgado province will transform due to the gas explorations. If this transformation is includive, sustainable, divers ...

    Report | 31-03-2018

  2. Dutch arms export policy in 2016

    Report by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the export of ...

    Report | 01-05-2017

  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Policy Agenda 2012

    Policy Agenda 2012 Key policy changes for 2012 In its foreign policy the government aims to reinforce the three pillars of ...

    Annual plan | 20-09-2011

  4. Policy Framework Fund Combatting Sexual Exploitation of Children

    On 15 July 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for grant proposals for the Fund Combating Sexual Exploitation ...

    Publication | 15-07-2022

  5. Letter from Liesje Schreinemacher presenting the annual report on the action plan on policy coherence for development

    Letter of 15 May 2024 from the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation to the House of Representatives presenting ...

    Letter | 15-05-2024

  6. Monitoring the effects of the approach to tax avoidance

    The State Secretary for Tax Affairs and Tax Administration Van Rij presents the House of Representatives an annual monitoring ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 22-12-2023

  7. Letter from Minister Schreinemacher presenting the annual report on the action plan on policy coherence for development

    Letter of 17 May 2023 from Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Liesje Schreinemacher to the House of ...

    Letter | 11-07-2023

  8. Policy Framework Strengthening Civil Society

    A strong civil society is essential for a good functioning democracy and an inclusive society. Civil society is under pressure in ...

    Policy note | 23-03-2022