
101 search results

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  1. Evaluation report 2016-2021 Health Insurance Fund

    This report provides the independent evaluation of the Health Insurance Fund (HIF) for the grant 'Making inclusive health markets ...

    Report | 28-02-2022

  2. GAIN Dutch A1 programme summary

    Transforming food systems to improve diet quality and resilience for the most vulnerable. A summary. 

    Publication | 23-12-2021

  3. Subsidy DIETS Programme

    On 26 October 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for grant proposals for the DIETS programme. Organisations ...

    Publication | 18-10-2021

  4. Mobilised private (climate & biodiversity) finance report 2020

    This report summarises the mobilisation of private (climate & biodiversity) finance for developing countries by Dutch public ...

    Report | 09-07-2021

  5. Mid-term evaluation

    The mid-term evaluation (MTE) of Burkina Dry More aims to assess the progress made by the project, and provide recommendations ...

    Report | 31-05-2021

  6. Country of origin information report Nigeria (March 2021)

    This country of origin information report describes the situation in Nigeria insofar as it is relevant for the assessment of ...

    Report | 31-03-2021

  7. End-term evaluation of the Strategic Partnership between Oxfam Novib and SOMO ‘Towards a Worldwide Influencing Network’ (2016-2020)

    This evaluation concerns an end evaluation of the program 'Towards a Worldwide Influencing Network', carried out in 2020 by WiW ...

    Report | 26-03-2021

  8. Evaluating the partnership between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and One Young World

    The report evaluated the partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NL MFA) and One Young World (OYW) and how to ...

    Report | 31-01-2021

  9. Dialogue & Dissent: Stories of Change

    The e‑zine  Dialogue & Dissent: Stories of Change looks back on the Dialogue and Dissent programme and what it has achieved.

    Publication | 16-01-2021

  10. Dutch efforts in the Sahel (English)

    The Sahel is one of the Dutch focus regions for development cooperation. This leaflet summarizes why, where and how The ...

    Leaflet | 18-11-2020