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  1. IOB - Navigating a sea of interests: Policy evaluation of Dutch foreign human rights policy 2008-2013

    This report presents the findings of a policy evaluation of Dutch involvement in human rights during the period 2008-2013. It ...

    Report | 01-12-2014

  2. Dutch efforts in the Sahel (English)

    The Sahel is one of the Dutch focus regions for development cooperation. This leaflet summarizes why, where and how The ...

    Leaflet | 18-11-2020

  3. Lionesses of Africa: unlocking the continent’s full potential of women entrepreneurship

    Ten highly successful female African entrepreneurs gathered in The Hague this week, united in a business network called Lionesses ...

    Blog post | 13-07-2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  4. GAIN Dutch A1 programme summary

    Transforming food systems to improve diet quality and resilience for the most vulnerable. A summary. 

    Publication | 23-12-2021

  5. Evaluation finale du programme ACMA 2, rapport final, Benin (French)

    ACMA2 project aims to improve the food and nutritional security of rural populations by increasing agricultural productivity and ...

    Report | 03-02-2023

  6. End-term evaluation of the Strategic Partnership between Oxfam Novib and SOMO ‘Towards a Worldwide Influencing Network’ (2016-2020)

    This evaluation concerns an end evaluation of the program 'Towards a Worldwide Influencing Network', carried out in 2020 by WiW ...

    Report | 26-03-2021

  7. Appendix III (Safety for Voices): Corporate rates

    Information for applicants/lead parties and co-applicants established in EU member states that do not use the euro and for ...

    Publication | 01-06-2022

  8. A Hopefully Peaceful Future

    The One Young World (OYW) Summit 2019 was held in London from 22-25 October, where approximately 2000 young ‘change makers’ ...

    Blog post | 15-11-2019 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  9. Speech of Sir Mark Lowcock at the MHPSS conference

    Remarks at the International Conference on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Crisis Situations by Under-Secretary-General ...

    Speech | 16-10-2019

  10. SFFP 2023 conference programme

    This booklet contains the programme of the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference 2023, 1-2 November in the World Forum in ...

    Publication | 13-11-2023