
91 search results

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  1. The Netherlands submits Adaptation Communication ahead of COP26

    As announced during the Adaptation Action Coalition event, by Ms. Barbara Visser, the Minister of Infrastructure and Water ...

    Report | 01-10-2021

  2. Government at a Glance

    Published every two years, Government at a Glance provides reliable, internationally comparable indicators on government ...

    Report | 09-07-2021

  3. Mapping Dutch Financial Flows to Biodiversity

    The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) conducted a research on biodiversity expenditures by Dutch financial institutions. This ...

    Report | 30-06-2021

  4. Evaluating the partnership between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and One Young World

    The report evaluated the partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NL MFA) and One Young World (OYW) and how to ...

    Report | 31-01-2021

  5. Dealing with China on high-tech issues

    This Clingendael Report aims to contribute to a reorientation of the EU in the broad field of economic security, in the ...

    Report | 01-12-2020

  6. Human rights report 2019

    International human rights policy: activities and results.

    Report | 16-06-2020

  7. Synthesis Report of the Mid-Term Review for the Leading From the South

    The aim of this mid-term review was to assess the progress of the Leading from the South program (2017-2020) and to provide ...

    Report | 18-05-2020

  8. Human rights report 2018: International human rights policy; activities and results

    The report on the Netherlands’ worldwide human rights efforts in 2018 and the results achieved.

    Report | 22-10-2019

  9. Digital Agenda for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation (BHOS)

    The rapid development of digital technology impacts on all long-term goals of our foreign trade and development cooperation ...

    Policy note | 31-07-2019

  10. Green Bonds and Integrated Landscape Management

    The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland; RVO) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate ...

    Report | 30-03-2018