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  1. Speech by Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, Ministerial Segment on Climate Adaptation and Resilience

    “Exactly five years after the signing of the Paris Agreement, we now know better how to safeguard their future. We know that ...

    Speech | 23-04-2021

  2. Effect evaluation of PUM Netherlands Senior Experts phase 2017-2020

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned SEO Amsterdam Economics to carry out the 2017-2020 evaluation of PUM Netherlands ...

    Report | 16-04-2021

  3. Joint statement by Prime Minister Modi of India and Prime Minister Rutte of the Netherlands

    Since in-person political visits and trade missions are not possible at present, prime minister Rutte held a virtual summit with ...

    Diplomatic statement | 09-04-2021

  4. Vision on Industry in The Netherlands

    In this industry vision, the government describes the importance of industry for the Netherlands and how industry can contribute ...

    Letter | 09-04-2021

  5. Effect evaluation of the DUPC2 program IHE Delft

    DUPC2 is a very relevant instrument to strengthen local capacity through partnerships. DUPC2 has reached the target values for a ...

    Report | 28-02-2021

  6. Dialogue & Dissent: Stories of Change

    The e‑zine  Dialogue & Dissent: Stories of Change looks back on the Dialogue and Dissent programme and what it has achieved.

    Publication | 16-01-2021

  7. End Evaluation of Solidaridad's Advocacy for Change programme 2016-2020

    AfC's goal is to support capacity development of southern CSOs in lobbying and advocating for sustainable and inclusive sectors ...

    Report | 31-12-2020

  8. Letter on International Knowledge and Talent Strategy

    Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) informs the House of Representatives of the International Knowledge and Talent Strategy.

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 18-12-2020

  9. Dealing with China on high-tech issues

    This Clingendael Report aims to contribute to a reorientation of the EU in the broad field of economic security, in the ...

    Report | 01-12-2020

  10. End Term Evaluation of the Strategic Partnership (SP) for Garment Supply Chain Transformation (2016 - 2020)

    The SP established building blocks needed to achieve its objectives. It gathered workers, unions, factory management and brands, ...

    Report | 30-11-2020