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  1. Representations: Guinea-Bissau


  2. Embassy of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau (Brussel)


  3. Third countries for whose nationals or specific categories of such third country nationals "ex post" information is required

    Regulation | 08-09-2015

  4. Mid-Term Evaluation of Mine Action and Cluster Munitions Programme II

    Publication | 01-05-2024

  5. Dutch efforts in the Sahel (English)

    The Sahel is one of the Dutch focus regions for development cooperation. This leaflet summarizes why, where and how The ...

    Leaflet | 18-11-2020

  6. Trends in Climate Finance: Background Report for Policymakers

    This report discusses trends in climate finance and makes recommendations to improve the methodologies for measuring the ...

    Report | 16-06-2022

  7. Early Warning, Early Action, in Practice

    This reports presents the results of Clingendael’s Early Warning, Early Action (EWEA) scan of the African continent, assessing ...

    Report | 31-03-2023

  8. IOB Study - Achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights

    This report presents the findings of a desk-study of the results of multilateral organisations in the field of sexual and ...

    Report | 12-02-2014

  9. Study Report DSO Strategy Reproductive Health Commodities

    The main challenge in supply chain management for reproductive health commodities (RHCs) is related to last mile distribution. ...

    Report | 31-07-2020

  10. Policy Framework Fund Combatting Sexual Exploitation of Children

    On 15 July 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for grant proposals for the Fund Combating Sexual Exploitation ...

    Publication | 15-07-2022

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