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  1. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2000

    Published by: Ministry of Economic Affairs Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 2000 Tweede Kamer, ...

    Annual report | 09-11-2011

  2. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2001

    The Netherlands arms export policy in 2001.

    Annual report | 09-11-2011

  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Policy Agenda 2012

    Policy Agenda 2012 Key policy changes for 2012 In its foreign policy the government aims to reinforce the three pillars of ...

    Annual plan | 20-09-2011

  4. Government programme foreign policy

    The Schoof government programme elaborates on the framework coalition agreement. The programme will help the government carry out ...

    Publication | 13-09-2024

  5. Letter on the implementation of Dutch RBC policy, 'From giving information to imposing obligations'

    The Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation informs the House of Representatives about the implementation of Dutch ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 11-02-2021

  6. National action plan for greater diversity and inclusion in higher education and research

    The action plan focuses on an inclusive, diverse and safe learning and working environment in which everyone has the opportunity ...

    Report | 01-09-2020

  7. International cultural policy 2021-2024

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs (BZ), the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation (BHOS) and the Minister of ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 20-02-2020

  8. Churchill Lecture by Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Europa Institut at the University of Zurich

    The EU: from the power of principles towards principles and power

    Speech | 13-02-2019

  9. Impact of awareness raising campaigns on migrants/migrant communities

    In the framework of the EU action plan against migrant smuggling (2015-2020) this study provided an inventory of possible ...

    Report | 15-03-2023

  10. International exchange on climate adaptation in agriculture

    This brochure provides an introduction to the Action Programme for Climate Adaptation in Agriculture, an explanation of the ...

    Leaflet | 10-02-2023