
141 search results

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  1. COMPASS Mid-Term Evaluation

    This Mid-Term Evaluation looks at enabling and constraining factors to the implementation of COMPASS. It concludes that the ...

    Report | 28-12-2022

  2. End-of-Grant Evaluation of the Portfolio "Keeping the Food Markets Working"

    GAIN’s Covid-19 response programme effectively contributed to strengthening the short-term resilience of SMEs to ensure access to ...

    Report | 08-12-2022

  3. Human Rights Report 2021

    The Netherlands’ international human rights policy: efforts and results.

    Report | 06-12-2022

  4. End evaluation of the MFA-NL-supported NCEA programme 2017-2022

    The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) is an independent advisory body to improve (Strategic) ...

    Report | 31-10-2022

  5. Joint statement on resumption of hostilities in Northern Ethiopia

    We, Australia, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States, are profoundly concerned by the ...

    Diplomatic statement | 12-10-2022

  6. Policy Framework Fund Combatting Sexual Exploitation of Children

    On 15 July 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for grant proposals for the Fund Combating Sexual Exploitation ...

    Publication | 15-07-2022

  7. Evaluation of Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes Program (ISLA)

    End evaluation of the Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes program (2015-2020), implemented by IDH. The programme was aimed at ...

    Report | 09-07-2022

  8. Trends in Climate Finance: Background Report for Policymakers

    This report discusses trends in climate finance and makes recommendations to improve the methodologies for measuring the ...

    Report | 16-06-2022

  9. Appendix III (Safety for Voices): Corporate rates

    Information for applicants/lead parties and co-applicants established in EU member states that do not use the euro and for ...

    Publication | 01-06-2022

  10. Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (Brussel)
