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  1. PSI-Programme Social Markentig of Public Health Commodities in Mozambique (2016 - 2021) – Evaluation

    The Social Market for Health was a six years project from December 2016 to December 2022 implemented by PSI . The national goals ...

    Report | 27-06-2022

  2. Preventing and identifying signs of child abuse

    The government has introduced measures to put a stop to child abuse. Please see for more information

  3. Youth care and child protection

    Every child has the right to develop into a balanced and healthy adult. Sometimes, children and parents need extra professional ...

  4. Country of Origin Information Report Syria of May 2022

    This general country of origin information report describes the situation in Syria insofar as this is important for the ...

    Report | 31-05-2022

  5. Likeminded Member States’ Joint Statement at the 55th Commission on Population and Development

    Joint Statement on the occasion of the 55th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development (CPD) delivered by H.E ...

    Diplomatic statement | 29-04-2022

  6. Policy Framework Strengthening Civil Society

    A strong civil society is essential for a good functioning democracy and an inclusive society. Civil society is under pressure in ...

    Policy note | 23-03-2022

  7. Brochure - Help and support when isolating

    If you have tested positive for coronavirus you will have to isolate. This brochure contains information about where you can get ...

    Leaflet | 10-02-2022

  8. Preventing honour-based violence

    The Dutch government is committed to preventing all forms of honour-based violence.

  9. Education lasts a lifetime: let’s give human rights a greater place in the classroom

    Max van der Stoel Human Rights Lecture by Bahia Tahzib-Lie, Dutch Human Rights Ambassador, 10 December 2021, The Hague.

    Speech | 10-12-2021

  10. Summaries of international organisations' scorecards updated in 2021

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs uses 'scorecards' to check if international organisations function well and if their work is ...

    Report | 12-11-2021