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  1. Evaluation of the Dutch Employers' Cooperation Programme DECP - Assessment of the outcomes of DECP activities over the period 2013-2016

    The Dutch Employers' Cooperation Programme (DECP) is a foundation established in 2005 by the Dutch employers' organizations and ...

    Report | 01-05-2017

  2. End Evaluation of Solidaridad's Advocacy for Change programme 2016-2020

    AfC's goal is to support capacity development of southern CSOs in lobbying and advocating for sustainable and inclusive sectors ...

    Report | 31-12-2020

  3. Consideration, Analysis, Conclusions, Recommendations and Summary

    Report | 18-03-2021

  4. Press release Intercountry adoption system not sustainable

    Press release of the Committee investigating intercountry adoption.

    Publication | 08-02-2021

  5. Consideration, Analysis, Conclusions, Recommendations and Summary

    Summary of the report of the Committee investigating intercountry adoption.

    Report | 08-02-2021

  6. IOB Study - Achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights

    This report presents the findings of a desk-study of the results of multilateral organisations in the field of sexual and ...

    Report | 12-02-2014

  7. Country of Origin Report on Eritrea February 2017

    This Dutch COI report describes the current situation in Eritrea insofar as it is relevant to the assessment of asylum ...

    Report | 06-02-2017

  8. International Conference on MHPSS in Crisis Situations: Programme

    This booklet contains the programme of the International Conference on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Crisis ...

    Publication | 30-09-2019

  9. Country of origin information report on Libya (June 2020)

    This country of origin information report describes the situation in Libya, insofar as this is important for the assessment of ...

    Directive | 30-06-2020

  10. Evaluation ORIO: Ontwikkelingsrelevantie Infrastructuurontwikkeling

    Report | 02-03-2020