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  1. Final evaluation report Netherlands WASH SDG Programme

    From 2017 until 2024 the WASH SDG Programme, executed by WASH Alliance International, SNV and Plan Netherlands, aimed to deliver ...

    Report | 31-01-2023

  2. Theory of Change - Security and Rule of Law (English, January 2023)

    This Theory of Change aims to help guide the work on Security and Rule of Law in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as shaped ...

    Publication | 26-01-2023

  3. Evaluation of Awareness Raising Campaigns for (Potential) Migrants

    This evaluation presents a comparative analysis of four awareness-raising campaigns funded by the NL in Nigeria, Iraq and ...

    Report | 19-01-2023

  4. The Netherlands’ Global Climate Strategy

    Scientific consensus on the urgency of the situation has prompted the Dutch government to speed up climate action. This first ...

    Publication | 22-12-2022

  5. Letter to Parliament on government response to Slavery History Dialogue Group Advisory Board report

    Prime Minister Rutte sent the House of Representatives a letter containing the government’s reaction to the Adviescollege ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 19-12-2022

  6. Racism at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – an exploratory study

    Inspired in part by the Black Lives Matter movement, the Senior Management Board decided to investigate what forms of racism ...

    Report | 12-12-2022

  7. Theory of Change - Private Sector Development (English, October 2022)

    This Theory of Change focuses on private sector development. It describes challenges in this field of work, the context in which ...

    Publication | 28-11-2022

  8. National Action Plan Business and Human Rights

    The action plan describes how the government expects companies to conduct business with respect for human rights both in the ...

    Publication | 08-11-2022

  9. End evaluation of the MFA-NL-supported NCEA programme 2017-2022

    The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) is an independent advisory body to improve (Strategic) ...

    Report | 31-10-2022

  10. Mid term Review of the IWRM Programme

    The mid term review was commissioned by EKN Maputo and it was meant to provide insight to the results achieved by the IWRM ...

    Report | 13-10-2022