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  1. Asking Central Government a question on Facebook

    Ask your question about the laws or rules in The Netherlands on Central Government’s Facebook page.

  2. What can I do if I disagree with the results of a breath analysis or blood test after a violent offence?

    If you are arrested by the police for a violent offence, they may have cause to think you are under the influence of alcohol or ...

    Question and answer

  3. What can I do if I disagree with the results of a breath analysis or blood test after a violent offence? (Polish): Co mogę zrobić, jeśli nie zgadzam się z wynikami analizy oddechu lub badania krwi przeprowadzanymi po przestępstwie z użyciem przemocy?

    If the police have cause to think you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they arrest you for a violent offence, you ...

    Leaflet | 01-12-2022

  4. What can I do if I disagree with the results of a breath analysis or blood test after a violent offence? (Spanish): ¿Qué puedo hacer si no estoy de acuerdo con los resultados de un análisis de aire espirado o de sangre después de un delito violento?

    If the police have cause to think you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they arrest you for a violent offence, you ...

    Leaflet | 01-12-2022

  5. What can I do if I disagree with the results of a breath analysis or blood test after a violent offence? (French): Que puis-je faire si je ne suis pas d'accord avec le résultat d'une analyse de l'haleine ou une analyse de sang après une infraction de violence?

    If the police have cause to think you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they arrest you for a violent offence, you ...

    Leaflet | 01-12-2022

  6. What can I do if I disagree with the results of a breath analysis or blood test after a violent offence? (German): Was kann ich tun, wenn ich mit dem Ergebnis eines Atemalkoholtests oder Bluttests nach einem Gewaltdelikt nicht einverstanden bin?

    If the police have cause to think you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they arrest you for a violent offence, you ...

    Leaflet | 01-12-2022

  7. Which organisations are allowed to make a copy of my ID?

    Find out which organisations in the Netherlands are allowed to take a copy of your ID.

    Question and answer

  8. How do I prevent a copy of my ID being used for fraudulent activities?

    How to prevent a copy of my ID being used for fraudulent activities.

    Question and answer

  9. How do I make a secure copy of my ID using the KopieID app?

    The KopieID app allows you to make a secure copy of your ID using your mobile phone or tablet.

    Question and answer

  10. Invitation letters for repeat COVID-19 vaccination in different languages

    Example letters that contain information about a repeat vaccination against the coronavirus (COVID-19). The letter explains how ...

    Letter | 23-09-2022