Documents - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

901 documents of Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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  1. Evaluation finale du Programme Debbo Alafia I

    This report is in French. Le rapport s'agit l'évaluation externe du premier phase du programme Debbo Alafia, programme des ...

    Report | 20-04-2021

  2. Statement of the Equal Rights Coalition on the serious Human Rights Violations and Abuses against LGBTI Individuals in the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation

    Statement of the Equal Rights Coalition on Human Rights Violations and Abuses against LGBTI in the Chechen Republic of the ...

    Diplomatic statement | 19-04-2021

  3. Media Freedom Coalition statement concerning media freedom in Myanmar

    The undersigned members of the Media Freedom Coalition express their deep concern with the continued efforts by Myanmar’s ...

    Diplomatic statement | 19-04-2021

  4. Discours du ministre Stef Blok à l’occasion de la célébration du 70e anniversaire de la signature du traité instituant la Communauté européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier (CECA)

    Discours du ministre Stef Blok à l’occasion de la célébration du 70e anniversair du traité instituant la Communauté européenne du ...

    Speech | 16-04-2021

  5. State of the Union 2021

    The Netherlands is pursuing three objectives within the EU: resilient, secure member states working on convergence towards the ...

    Publication | 16-04-2021

  6. Effect evaluation of PUM Netherlands Senior Experts phase 2017-2020

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned SEO Amsterdam Economics to carry out the 2017-2020 evaluation of PUM Netherlands ...

    Report | 16-04-2021

  7. General Country of Origin Information Report for the Russian Federation (April 2021)

    This general country of origin information report describes the situation in the Russian Federation insofar as it is relevant to ...

    Report | 12-04-2021

  8. Evaluation of DCA Humanitarian Mine Action & Cluster Munition 2016-2020 Programme

    This report presents the findings of an independent evaluation of the four year Dutch funded DanChurchAid (DCA) Humanitarian Mine ...

    Report | 01-04-2021

  9. Country of origin information report Nigeria (March 2021)

    This country of origin information report describes the situation in Nigeria insofar as it is relevant for the assessment of ...

    Report | 31-03-2021

  10. Speech by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Sigrid Kaag, at the Brussels V Conference

    Speech by the Minister for International Trade and Development Cooperation, Sigrid Kaag, at the Brussels V Conference.

    Speech | 30-03-2021