Mid term Review of the IWRM Programme

The mid term review was commissioned by EKN Maputo and it was meant to provide insight to the results achieved by the IWRM Programme and recommend adjustments to ensure achievement of programme outcomes. The report was elaborated by MDF. This programme was implemented at national decentral and transboundary levels. The objective of the MTR was to assess progress and make necessary adjustments.

This is the final report of the MTR of the IWRM programme that was conducted as an obligation of the agreement between EKN Maputo and the implementing partners of the IWRM Programme. The main objective of the 5 programs would lead to improved water security and water safety. The most significant findings of the mid-term review were:

  1. the programme has continued relevance for national and regional policies and priorities, and the SDGs;
  2. the design of the programme partially followed lessons and recommendations from the IOB with regard to inclusion of national level actors and the implementation of activities supporting capacity development;
  3. the programme is generally not on track, both in terms of activity implementation and budget expenditure.