NATO Public Forum

During the NATO Summit, which will take place in The Hague from 24 to 25 June 2025, the NATO Public Forum will be held. The forum is a public event at the summit location that will bring together experts, politicians, opinion makers, civil society organisations and various other groups to discuss the themes of the summit and developments around the world that affect our security. The NATO Public Forum can be followed online by the public in the Netherlands and worldwide.

Purpose of the NATO Public Forum

Everyone who has an interest in current issues relating to our peace and security is invited to follow the NATO Public Forum and reflect on these issues The forum is not just for experts in security and other fields. Subjects will be discussed that are important to us all, such as ways to increase our resilience against the threats facing us. The NATO Public Forum engages a wide audience of all ages with the NATO Summit.

Partners of the NATO Public Forum

The NATO Public Forum is organised by NATO and the Dutch government, together with the Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HSS) and the Clingendael Institute. Foreign think-tanks are also actively involved. They will take the stage alongside heads of state and government, foreign ministers and defence ministers.

Access to the NATO Public Forum

The NATO Public Forum will be accessible to a limited number of in-person guests. The venue can accommodate up to 500 people, and the event is by invitation only. The forum will be open for everyone to follow online, with several interactive sessions. More information on this will follow. A continual programme will be offered on the day before the summit and while the summit is in progress.

How the NATO Public Forum works

*Chill music plays*

On-screen text: How the NATO Public Forum works.
NATO Summit 2025.

During each major NATO Summit, the NATO Public Forum is held. A forum where a few hundred experts, think tanks, journalists, academics, politicians and youth from all NATO countries discuss our security.

Anna van Zoest – Director Netherlands Atlantic Association:
I'm here to learn more about the decisions that are made at this Summit, and these decisions are made behind closed doors. So I'm here in particular to hear what the leaders at this forum have to say about this. And that is extremely important, because this way, NATO is being transparent about what is going on and we, the people in the room, can hear about the course NATO is setting. And that makes it easier to talk or write about it, or do research. And that is why I'm here.

They talk about the war in Ukraine, for example, and about strengthening our collective defence. But they also discuss the consequences of climate change and the impact of cyberattacks.

Lara Hendriks – Young Leaders Network:
I'm part of a delegation of young people from fourteen different NATO countries that has been traveling through the United States for the past two weeks and talked with various think tanks, policymakers, but also with the local community. Together we talked about how security issues affect their day-to-day lives.

Everybody can follow the Public Forum live online. The Public Forum will also be held during the NATO Summit in The Hague. Check for more information.

*Chill music ends*

Logo’s of the Dutch Government and NATO appear on screen.
On-screen text: The Hague.
24-26 June 2025