Applying for a second teacher training programme grant
Do you, as a qualified teacher, want to enrol in a tweede lerarenopleiding (second teacher training) programme? For example because you want to teach an additional subject? If so, you can apply for a second teacher training grant.
Last updated on 18 Juli 2022
Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands
Conditions for the grant
The grant is subject to conditions. For example:
You must be paying instellingscollegegeld (institutional tuition fees) for the training. You are not eligible for the grant if you pay collegegeld (statutory tuition fees).
You do the teacher training in the Netherlands.
See all the conditions for the grant in Dutch on the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs – DUO (education implementation service) website (in Dutch).
Applying for a grant for a second teacher training programme
You apply to DUO for the grant for the second teacher training programme (in Dutch).
Laws and regulations (in Dutch)
Subsidieregeling tweede lerarenopleiding