Request a subsidy for a personal injury medical feasibility assessment
Have you been injured in a traffic accident? Have you not yet received compensation from the other party? Then you can initiate legal proceedings to obtain compensation. This may require a medisch haalbaarheidsonderzoek letselschade (medical feasibility assessment) on your injury. You can request a subsidy for this assessment.
Last updated on 19 September 2022
Conditions for a subsidy for a personal injury medical feasibility assessment
You must meet certain conditions to receive a subsidy for personal injury medical feasibility assessment. For instance, your income must be below a certain level. You will find all of the conditions (in Dutch) on the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand (Legal Aid Board) website.
Request a subsidy for a personal injury medical feasibility assessment
You apply for the subsidy (in Dutch) to the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand.
Laws and regulations (in Dutch)
Regulation on subsidies for medical feasibility assessments on personal injury cases