Applying for a one-day registration certificate

If you have a vehicle without a Dutch registration number, you are not allowed to drive on public roads. However, if you do need to drive the vehicle – for instance, to take it for an inspection – you need a one-day registration certificate (eendagskentekenbewijs).

Last updated on 17 February 2025

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Criteria for a one-day registration certificate

A one-day registration certificate allows you to drive to the inspection centre and back on the day of the inspection. The one-day registration certificate is subject to certain conditions. For example, your vehicle must be insured in the Netherlands on the day of the inspection. Consult the RDW website to find out about the conditions for a one-day registration certificate (in Dutch).

How to apply for a one-day registration certificate (eendagskentekenbewijs)

Please contact the RDW to apply for a one-day registration certificate (in Dutch).

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Wegenverkeerswet 1994 (schorsing)

Kentekenreglement, artikel 23

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