Paying voluntary contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Act (WW)

If you are working as a home help or domestic cleaner or if you are working abroad, you have no unemployment insurance under the Dutch social security system. You will not receive unemployment benefit (WW) if you lose your job. However, you can choose to pay voluntary contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Act (WW).

Last updated on 17 May 2021

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Eligibility for paying voluntary contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Act (WW)

If you want to pay voluntary contributions under the WW scheme, you must meet certain conditions. For example, as a home help (in Dutch), you are not allowed to work more than three days a week for one household, or if you are going to work abroad (in Dutch), this must be for a development cooperation organisation. Please consult the UWV website to find out about eligibility for paying voluntary contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Act (WW) (Pdf, in Dutch).

Applying to pay voluntary contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Act (WW)

Please contact the UWV to apply for voluntary income protection coverage.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Werkloosheidswet, hoofdstuk III

Regels vrijwillige werkloosheidsverzekering 2007

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