Applying for voluntary income protection coverage for unemployment
Do you provide home help, or are you going to work abroad? You are not required to be insured against unemployment. You will not receive unemployment benefits if you lose your job. You can apply for voluntary income protection coverage (‘vrijwillige verzekering’).
Last updated on 17 September 2024
Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands
Conditions for voluntary income protection coverage for unemployment
You can apply for voluntary income protection coverage for unemployment if:
- you work as help in the home;
- you are going to work abroad.
You can find all the conditions for voluntary income protection coverage on UWV’s website (Employee Insurance Agency).
How to apply for voluntary income protection coverage
You can apply for voluntary income protection coverage at UWV.
Laws and regulations (in Dutch)
Werkloosheidswet, hoofdstuk III
Regels vrijwillige werkloosheidsverzekering 2007