Claiming unemployment benefit (WW-uitkering)

Are you going to be partially or completely unemployed? You may be able to receive benefits from the Dutch government through the Werkloosheidswet – WW (Unemployment Act). The WW provides you with temporary income until you return to work. This is referred to in the Netherlands as a WW-uitkering

Last updated 10 February 2023

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Eligibility for a WW-uitkering 

If you want to receive a WW-uitkering, you must meet certain conditions. For instance, you must have worked for at least 26 weeks in the 36 weeks before you became unemployed (wekeneis – weekly requirement). The conditions for receiving a WW-uitkering are available on the Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen – UWV (Employment Insurance Agency) website.

Applying for a WW-uitkering

You can apply for a WW-uitkering on the UWV's website.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Werkloosheidswet, hoofdstuk 2

Uitkeringsreglement WW 2015

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