Applying for voluntary income protection coverage for occupational disability

If you are temporarily stopping work, going to work abroad or work as home help, you will not be insured against loss of income in case of long-term illness or occupational disability (‘arbeidsongeschiktheid’). You can then take out a voluntary income protection coverage (‘vrijwillige verzekering’) for WIA benefits (occupational disability). You will then receive WIA benefits if you are still unable to work after two years.

Last updated 10 September 2024

Conditions for coverage for occupational disability

You can apply for a voluntary income protection coverage for occupational disability in the following situations:

  • You work as help in the home, such as household help or home help.
  • You are temporarily stopping work.
  • You are going to work abroad.

You can find all the conditions for voluntary income protection coverage on UWV’s website (Employee Insurance Agency).

How to apply for voluntary income protection coverage

You can apply for voluntary income protection coverage at UWV.

WIA-uitkering (invalidity benefit)

You can find out more about the WIA-uitkering at the UWV website.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Wet werk en inkomen naar arbeidsvermogen, paragraaf 2.2

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