Should I take account of laws and customs for clothing and behaviour in other countries?
In some countries, the laws regarding clothing and behaviour are different than in the Netherlands and you can find yourself in serious trouble if you do not comply with local customs. You should therefore familiarise yourself with the laws and customs of a country before you visit it.
Each country has its own laws and customs for clothing and behaviour. In some Islamic countries, for example, women are obliged to wear a headscarf outside their homes. And in other countries, you have to wear more clothes on the beach than you would in the Netherlands (for example, short trousers and short-sleeved tops may not be acceptable).
So, it is important to become familiar with the rules and customs of a country before your visit and to respect them while you are there. You can get into trouble if you do not comply with local norms for clothing and behaviour, especially in places of religious significance for local people, such as temples and other places of worship.