Applying for an exemption from the obligation to take out social insurance due to conscientious objection
Everyone living in the Netherlands must take out cover for state social security benefits, such as those under the Old Age Pensions Act (AOW) and the General Surviving Dependants Act (ANW). This also applies to cover for employee benefits for people working in paid employment. This type of cover is for benefits under the Unemployment Insurance Act (WW) and the Sickness Benefits Act. If you object to any form of insurance because of your beliefs, you are considered to be a conscientious objector and you can apply for an exemption from the obligation to take out social security insurance.
Last updated on 17 August 2021
Exemption from the obligation to pay social security premiums
Social security insurance comprises state insurance cover and employee insurance cover. If you are a conscientious objector (in Dutch) you may be granted an exemption. In that case, you will pay extra tax instead of the compulsory social security insurance contributions.
Applying for exemption from the obligation to pay social security premiums
It is possible to apply for exemption as a conscientious objector (in Dutch) by completing the form ‘Declaration of conscientious objection’. You can request this form by telephone, in writing or by email from the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB).
Laws and regulations (in Dutch)
Law on the financing of social security (objection on moral grounds)
Regulation on the Law on the financing of social security (objection on moral grounds)