Pay tuition for secondary vocational edcuation (MBO) or adult education (VAVO) programme
For certain courses in middelbaar beroepsonderwijs – MBO (secondary vocational education) or voortgezet algemeen volwassenenonderwijs – VAVO (adult education), you pay lesgeld (tuition fees).
Last updated on 6 June 2023
Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands
When you need to pay tuition fees
You pay tuition fees if you are 18 years or older on 1 august at the beginning of an academic year. And you are taking 1 of the following courses:
- a full-time course under the beroepsopleidende leerweg – BOL (school based pathway) in an MBO (secondary vocational education) programme;
- a full-time VAVO (adult education) course.
How to pay tuition fees
If you need to pay tuition fees, you will receive an automated message from Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs – DUO (education implementation service). After this, you can pay the tuition in a lump sum. If you would prefer instalments, you may request a payment plan from DUO.
Laws and regulations (in Dutch)
Uitvoeringsbesluit Les- en cursusgeldwet 2000