Overview of school holiday dates 2026-2027

The Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap – OCW (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science) fixes the dates of the main school holidays and gives advisory dates for spring and autumn holidays. Your school may deviate from these. The school guide will tell you when your school's holidays are.

The following holiday dates in the 2026-2027 school year are for basisonderwijs (primary education), speciaal onderwijs (special education) and middelbaar onderwijs (secondary education). In middelbaar beroepsonderwijs – MBO (secondary vocational education) and tertiary education institutions are free to set their own holiday dates.

School holidays 2026-2027

For school holidays, the Netherlands is divided into  3 regions: Noord, Centraal and Zuid.

Regio Noord Regio Midden Regio Zuid

(autumn holiday)

10 October –
18 October 2026
17 October –
25 October 2026
17 October –
25 October 2026

(Christmas holiday)

19 December 2026 –
3 January 2027
19 December 2026 –
3 January 2027
19 December 2026 –
3 January 2027

(spring holiday)

20 February –
28 February 2027
20 February –
28 February 2027
13 February –
21 February 2027

(May holiday)

24 April –
2 May 2027
24 April –
2 May 2027
24 April –
2 May 2027

(summer holiday)

10 July –
22 August 2027
17 July –
29 August 2027
24 July –
5 September 2027