Ban on Dutch NGOs and media organisations receiving Russian funding

Since 24 June 2024 media organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the Netherlands have been banned from receiving money from the Russian government. The new measure is intended to counter Russian influence in the Netherlands. It is possible for media organisations and NGOs to apply for an exemption from the ban.

Ban on receiving Russian funding

The ban on receiving Russian funding applies to all media organisations and to all non-profit organisations in the Netherlands that are not affiliated with the government (in other words, NGOs), including all Dutch foundations and associations. Under the new rules, it has been a criminal offence since 24 June 2024 to receive funds in breach of the ban. Political parties in the Netherlands have been subject to a similar ban since 2022.

Reducing Russian influence in the Netherlands

The ban is intended to help reduce Russia’s influence in the Netherlands. Without the assistance of NGOs and media organisations, it will be harder for Russia to spread fake news in the Netherlands and to undermine democracy. All EU member states are banning NGOs and media organisations from receiving Russian government funding. The measure is part of the EU’s 14th package of sanctions against Russia (in Dutch).

Applying for an exemption

Media organisations and NGOs can apply for an exemption from the ban on receiving Russian government funding. If your organisation receives funding from the Russian government and is not involved in undermining the democratic process (e.g. by spreading disinformation or attempting to influence elections), an exemption may be possible. Contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for more information.