Changing your last name

Are you a citizen of the Netherlands? Would you like to have a different last name? For example, because your parents are divorced and you want to take your other parent’s last name? In such cases, you can have your last name changed under Dutch law.

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Conditions for changing your last name

Changing a last name is subject to strict conditions. You can find the conditions for changing a last name (link in Dutch) on the Justis website, the Ministry of Justice and Security’s screening authority. Here you can also find information on the costs of a last name change (link in Dutch). 

Requesting a change of last name

You can submit your request to change your last name (in Dutch) to Justis online or in writing.

Laws and regulations

Burgerlijk Wetboek Boek 1, artikel 7

Besluit geslachtsnaamswijziging

Regelen betreffende verzoeken tot naamswijziging en tot naamsvaststelling