Work and income in the Netherlands for refugees from Ukraine

Refugees from Ukraine can get a subsistence allowance. Refugees from Ukraine who fall under the Temporary Protection Directive do not need an employment permit (tewerkstellingsvergunning) to do paid work in the Netherlands.

Rights third-country nationals may remain in the Netherlands for now

Refugees with a temporary residence permit for Ukraine (third-country nationals) may remain in the Netherlands for now. They will receive temporary protection until the Court of Justice of the European Union delivers a judgment.

Subsistence allowance

Child benefit and supplementary child benefit

Working in the Netherlands as a refugee from Ukraine

Employing refugees from Ukraine

Exchanging cash

Bank account

Personal contribution from refugees from Ukraine

From 1 July 2024, refugees from Ukraine with a job or income must help pay for their reception in a municipality. They will also no longer receive a living allowance.