Monitoring the quality of healthcare

Health care is monitored by the Healthcare Inspectorate (IGZ) and the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA). The Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) checks that companies that provide care comply with the Competition Act.

About the Healthcare Inspectorate (IGZ)

The Healthcare Inspectorate (IGZ) monitors the quality, safety and accessibility of healthcare. The Inspectorate is an impartial, expert organisation that also safeguards the rights of patients. The Inspectorate can impose administrative fines and penalties on care providers without involving the Public Prosecution Service.

Closer monitoring of the healthcare sector

The Inspectorate is more closely monitoring care for vulnerable people like the elderly, for example by carrying out more workplace visits. These visits are usually unannounced. Occasionally, the Inspectorate also enlists mystery guests – investigators who pretend to be patients or family members. Since 2012, the Inspectorate has received €10 million extra each year to monitor healthcare more strictly.

Submitting a complaint to the National Healthcare Report Centre

People can contact the National Healthcare Report Centre if they have a complaint about the quality of healthcare. The National Healthcare Report Centre works closely with the Inspectorate.

About the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA)

The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) monitors the conduct of care providers and insurance companies. For example, it checks that they comply with the Market Regulation (Healthcare) Act (WMG). The WMG aims to boost competition in the healthcare sector. It also sets rules to control healthcare costs.

Competition in the healthcare sector

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) checks that companies do not frustrate competition. Under the Competition Act companies are not allowed to make cartel agreements or abuse their dominant market position. And they are not allowed to form mergers or take over another company without the ACM’s approval.

The ACM also monitors competition in the healthcare sector and outlines the rules for partnerships and competition.