Documents - Prostitution

4 documents on Prostitution

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  1. As a witness, how can I report forced prostitution?

    You can report suspicions of forced prostitution to the police. This can be done anonymously through Report Crime Anonymously ...

    Question and answer

  2. Where can I get help if I am being forced to work as a prostitute?

    If you are a victim of forced prostitution, there are a number of agencies you can turn to for help or assistance. You can always ...

    Question and answer

  3. As a prostitute, where can I report unsafe working conditions?

    You can contact the Netherlands Labour Authority if you have any questions or complaints about unsafe working conditions. The ...

    Question and answer

  4. Am I allowed to work as a prostitute in the Netherlands?

    You may work as a prostitute in the Netherlands if you are over the age of 18. You must also satisfy a number of conditions, ...

    Question and answer