Applying for pregnancy leave and maternity leave

If you are pregnant and you are working for an employer or you are receiving benefits, you are entitled to pregnancy leave and maternity leave. You will get pregnancy leave in the period before you give birth and maternity leave in the period after you have given birth. Pregnancy and maternity leave last for a minimum period of 16 weeks in total.

Last updated on 17 May 2021

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Pregnancy and maternity leave while receiving benefits

If you are receiving unemployment benefit (WW), sickness benefit or wage-related WGA return-to-work benefit, you are also entitled to pregnancy and maternity leave. Please consult the UWV website to find out the other situations in which you may be entitled to pregnancy and maternity leave.

If you own your own company, then as a self-employed person you are also eligible for pregnancy and maternity leave.

Applying for pregnancy leave and maternity leave

Contact your employer to apply for pregnancy leave and maternity leave. You should do this no later than three weeks before your leave starts.

If you are receiving benefits, you must notify the UWV of the date you wish to start your pregnancy leave. You can do this at the same time as applying for pregnancy and maternity benefit.

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