Reporting a crime to the police

Have you been the victim of or a witness to an offence (such as a burglary)? You can make a report or notification to the police. This way, you can let the police know what happened.

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Difference between a report and a notification

If you make a report, you are asking the police to start criminal proceedings. This means that you want the offender to be punished.

If you make a notification, you let the police know what happened. In this case, the police usually does not investigate the offence. It may still keep an eye on the situation.

When you must make a report

In some cases, you are required to make a report to the police. Examples of such cases are murder and manslaughter. Go to the Juridisch Loket (Legal Aid and Advice Centre) to find out when you must make a report (in Dutch).

Reporting a crime anonymously (without giving your name)

Would you like to report a serious crime without giving your name? For example, you may want to do this if you know the offender. You can report a crime or an offender anonymously through Meld Misdaad Anoniem.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Wetboek van Strafvordering