Find out which organisations receive your personal data from the BRP

In some situations organisations receive personal information from the Basisregistratie Personen – BRP (Personal Records Database). For example, your name or date of birth may be shared with a hospital in the event of an accident, or with the Belastingsdienst (Tax and Customs Administration) if you have unpaid tax debts.

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Conditions for passing on data from the BRP

Your personal data from the BRP will be shared if, for example:

  • an organisation is required to fulfil a legal obligation, for example when the Belastingdienst needs to levy taxes;
  • it is vitally important to do so, for example if you are unconscious and need medical assistance;
  • an organisation such as the Openbaar Ministerie – OM (Netherlands Public Prosecution Service) needs information.

Find out which organisations can receive your personal data from the BRP

Contact your municipality to find out which organisations can receive your data from the BRP. You can also do this online at the website. Go to ‘Persoonlijke gegevens’. You will then see which organisations can receive your personal data.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Wet basisregistratie personen, artikel 3.22 en 3.22a