Documents - Nature and biodiversity

14 documents on Nature and biodiversity

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  1. Mapping Dutch Financial Flows to Biodiversity

    The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) conducted a research on biodiversity expenditures by Dutch financial institutions. This ...

    Report | 30-06-2021

  2. The Netherlands’ Polar Strategy 2021-2025: Prepared for change

    In the new Polar Strategy, the Dutch government sets out how the Netherlands intends to continue contributing to the protection ...

    Publication | 01-03-2021

  3. Positive impacts of Financial Institutions on Biodiversity

    The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality has financed a study that examines how a financial institution can calculate ...

    Report | 25-09-2019

  4. Can I get a grant for conservation or landscape management?

    If you are a landowner, you can apply for a grant to help maintain protected species of plants and animals on your property. ...

    Question and answer

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