Documents - NATO

9 documents on NATO

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  1. The NATO-Summit 2025 in brief

    Factsheet on the NATO Summit 2025: the first NATO Summit hosted by the Netherlands.

    Publication | 27-06-2024

  2. NATO Summit 2025

    Video | 24-05-2024

  3. Agreement on security cooperation between the Netherlands and Ukraine

    Publication | 01-03-2024

  4. Joint Statement by the Benelux and Nordic Countries: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden - 27 November 2023

    We, the Benelux and Nordic countries, are neighbours and allies in a rapidly changing geopolitical reality. Faced with numerous ...

    Diplomatic statement | 27-11-2023

  5. Benelux Statement on the suspension of the operation of the CFE Treaty

    The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty) is an important part of the European arms control architecture and ...

    Diplomatic statement | 07-11-2023

  6. International Cyber Strategy 2023-2028

    The International Cyber Strategy (ICS) 2023-2028 describes the Netherlands' aims to contribute to an open, free and secure cyber ...

    Publication | 12-09-2023

  7. Joint Declaration Ukraine, Belgium and the Netherlands

    Joint Declaration by Ukraine, the Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of the Netherlands at the occasion of the visit of H.E. ...

    Diplomatic statement | 04-05-2023

  8. Security Strategy for the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Publication)

    Security is a vital asset. It’s a basic necessity of life. Without it, everything we value today and in the future would be under ...

    Publication | 03-04-2023

  9. Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation

    Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation by the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, and ...

    Diplomatic statement | 10-01-2023