International maritime agreements

The Netherlands plays an active role in international maritime organisations. By doing so, it is able to ask for attention to be paid to maritime themes that are important to the Netherlands. Such themes include safety, the environment and working conditions.

A voice in international regulations

Maritime shipping is an important transport mode for the Netherlands. It is therefore important to have a voice in international regulations in order to achieve national goals and maintain a level playing field. For instance, international agreements have been made aimed at reducing sulphur emissions from ships. This is of great importance to localised air quality in the Netherlands.

Having international agreements in place means greater impact. Such agreements also ensure fair competition and, for example, prevent countries from sailing cheap ships that create more pollution. The Netherlands is therefore represented in the following bodies:

Short sea shipping

The Dutch government supports the development of a European maritime space without borders. In this way, the government wants to optimise the opportunities offered by short sea shipping (maritime transport between European countries). Through short sea shipping, the government intends to:

  • reduce the administrative burden regarding maritime transport;
  • make maritime transport environmentally friendly;
  • improve transport links between ships, ports and the hinterland.

Digital maritime portal for all sea ports in the Netherlands

From 15 August 2025, every EU member state with one or more sea ports must have one national digital maritime portal. This requirement is laid down in the European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe) Regulation.

This means that the same digital reporting and notification procedure will apply to vessels regardless of which EU maritime port they call at. The regulation covers shipping agents’ obligations to submit information to the relevant authorities of the country in question (such as customs, the port master and the coastguard) on, for instance, persons and hazardous cargo on board. Currently, the reporting procedures are different per country and port.

Creating a single digital portal will ease the administrative burden for shipping agents and allow them to use data for different purposes. One example would be forwarding information to pilots (who guide vessels in and out of ports). Or re-using information submitted previously, to avoid having to manually enter the same information again.

Date of entry into force

Under the European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe) Regulation, a digital maritime portal must be operational in each member state by 15 August 2025.

The Netherlands is one of the member states that, in all likelihood, will not be able to comply with this deadline. A timetable will be communicated as soon as there is more clarity about the specifications the portal must meet.