Accessing early childhood education (VVE) for native Dutch speaking toddlers and pre-school-age children
In the Netherlands, if native Dutch speaking peuters (toddlers) or kleuters (pre-school-age children) are struggling with the Dutch language, this may affect their development. Voorschoolse of vroegschoolse educatie – VVE (early childhood education) can help them learn Dutch.
Last updated 11 October 2022
Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands
Early childhood education for toddlers aged between 2½ and 4 years old
Toddlers aged between 2 ½ and 4 years old are eligible for early childhood education at a peuterspeelzaal (nursery) or kinderdagverblijf (early childhood centre) (link in Dutch). If native Dutch speaking toddlers are struggling with the Dutch language, they could be left behind with their language development. The municipality is responsible for delivering early childhood education and for deciding whether toddlers are eligible for it. If your toddler is eligible, they will be placed on an early childhood education plan. You must take your toddler to the baby and toddler clinic to obtain this plan
Early childhood education for children in groep 1 and groep 2
Children in groep 1 and groep 2 can be helped with early childhood education at their primary school (in Dutch). Primary schools are responsible for delivering early childhood education using money they receive from the Government. With this money, primary schools can offer extra support to native Dutch speaking children who are (or are at risk of) falling behind in their Dutch language development during their time at primary school.
Applying for early childhood education
If your toddler requires early childhood education, please contact your municipality.
If your child is in groep 1 or groep 2 at primary school and needs early childhood education, please contact your child’s primary school.
Laws and regulations (in Dutch)
Wet kinderopvang
Wet op het primair onderwijs, artikel 166 en 167
Wet op het onderwijstoezicht, hoofdstuk 3c